Mon - Sat 8.00 - 17.00 Sun CLOSED
20 in Nairobi

The Horrizon Global Business Advisory Board


MWENCHA, Erastus J.O. 🇰🇪

Global Board Chair

Mr. Mwencha is a seasoned governance and economist with a stellar career spanning over 4 decades at local, regional and global levels. Mr. Mwencha brings to Horrizon a wealth of governance experience including his current role as the Board Chair of Equity Bank Kenya Limited, Trade Mark East Africa (Board Chair), Africa Capacity Building Foundation (Board Chair), Yaatra Ventures (Board Chair), African Union Commission (Board Vice-Chair, 2008-2017)

Additionally, Mwencha brings on-board outstanding management and leadership experience from an illustrious career serving in senior roles including: COMESA Secretary General (1998-2008); COMESA Director - Industry, Energy and Environment (1987-1998); Government of Kenya, Ministry of Industry- Head of Industrial Promotion Department (1980-1983), Industrial Survey and Promotion Centre- Economist and Senior Economist (1974-1980).
He is a highly skilled and experienced economist with a strong background in analysing economic trends, conducting research, and providing strategic insights to drive business growth and inform policy decisions. Proven ability to apply economic theories, models, and quantitative tools to evaluate market conditions, assess risks, and develop effective strategies. Adept at translating complex economic concepts into clear and actionable recommendations for stakeholders. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, combined with excellent communication and collaboration abilities. Committed to delivering high-quality work and making a meaningful impact on economic development. He holds a B.A. (Hons) Economics (UoN), MA Economics (Toronto).

TUKAHEEBWA, Grace Kabunga 🇺🇬

Board Vice Chair

Ms Tukaheebwa is a firebrand development expert who brings to Horrizon a wealth of global development experience with leading organisations including the World Bank and the United Nations. She is an independent consultant working with YAATRA Africa as an Investment Operations Analyst focusing on the Oil and Gas sector in the Region. She is a board member at CEWIGO. Grace has been a consultant with the World Bank Group since 2012, to which, she worked with the Center for Conflict Resolution (CECORE) in Karamoja and Northern Uganda, on the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) Sunshine Project. She is a grounded social worker with over 10 years experience in Gender Mainstreaming, Monitoring and Evaluation, Natural Resources based Conflict, Alternative Dispute Resolution and occupational Health and Safety.

She has been a consultant/part time staff for different organizations, training centers, schools and groups at different levels including; Logistic Co- Mediator with the World Bank (Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman) on the Bujagali Hydro- Power Project from Jan 2012, Gender Mainstreaming Facilitator with Democratic Governance Facility –DGF (Jan-November, 2013) with a focus on Women’s active participation in Governance, African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women (EASSI). She is also a trainer with United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan staff (UNMISS). She has partnered with Local and International NGOs/NGOs working in fragile Conflict contexts in various capacities. She has proven the ability to work in high-pressure environments while maintaining a keen eye for detail and accuracy. She is an MSc. Environmental Natural Resource Management candidate; holds an MSc. Peace and Conflict Studies; Post-Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management as well as a B.A. Education.
Camille Karamaga

KARAMAGA, Camille 🇷🇼

Chair Finance, Strategy and Business Development Committee

Mr. Karamaga is a veteran development finance, financial management, public finance management, leadership and governance expert who brings to Horrizon over 4 decades of technical and management excellence in government, private sector as well as multilateral development institutions such as the AfDB. Mr. Karamaga holds various board positions including; The Banque Commerciale du Rwanda (BCR) (Board member); SONARWA (National Insurance Corporation of Rwanda) (Chairman); PTA Reinsurance Company (ZEP-RE) (Board member); Prime Insurance (Rwanda) Limited (Board member); Equity Bank (Rwanda) Limited (Board member). He has a wealth of International Professional Experience in Development Banking Operations and Lending at the African Development Bank (AFDB); Professional Experience at the IMF Headquarters in Washington DC (2011-2013); Public Financial Management (PFM, 1999-2006); as well as tax administration (1984-1994) in Rwanda.

He has conducted key PFM diagnostic assessments as well as consultancies in policy formulation, economic and financial governance. He has demonstrated expertise in developing and implementing strategies to drive sustainable economic growth, enhance financial governance, and promote inclusive development. He is adept at building strong relationships with stakeholders, including government agencies, financial institutions, and international organizations, to drive collaborative efforts and achieve shared goals. Committed to driving positive change and making a meaningful impact on economic and financial governance. He holds an MBA from the Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands; B. Com (Finance) from Makerere University; Post-Graduate Diploma in Tax Administration.

Dr. UWIZEYE, Patrick 🇷🇼

Chairperson, Audit & Risk Committee

Dr. Uwizeye is a business management professional with over 28 years of working experience across industries at senior level positions. Dr. Uwizeye brings on board rich governance experience courtesy of his various board roles including; Non-Executive Director at Equity Bank Rwanda Plc.; Finserve Africa Ltd, (Board Chair); Ecobank Rwanda (Vice Chair); former BCDI Bank Rwanda (chair of the audit committee); Institute of Certified Public Accountants-Rwanda (immediate past President and Chairman of the Governing Council). His corporate career experience includes; Founder and Managing Director BPU Consulting Ltd; MTN Rwanda (Chief Finance Officer, and the General Manager in charge of Business Risk Management); Director of Finance and Administration and the Chief Accountant at AACC in Nairobi.

He specializes in helping businesses improve their overall performance, streamline operations, and achieve their strategic objectives. He is also adept in assisting the organisations define and refine their strategic direction and analyze market trends, competition, and internal capabilities to develop effective business strategies that align with the organization's goals. Dr. Patrick is Proficient in utilizing technology and data-driven insights to enhance efficiency and make informed decisions. He holds a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA); Masters of Science (MSc) in Strategic Planning; MBA in Financial Management; Masters in Communications Management (MCM). He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and member of both Institutes of CPA Kenya and Rwanda and a Certified Member of the Institute of Risk Management (CMIRM).

MUGUMYA, Elly 🇺🇬

Chairperson, Human Resources & Compliance Committee

Mr. Mugumya brings to the Horrizon Board over 31 years of executive leadership, institutional strengthening, management and governance experience acquired through an accomplished career with IPPFAR and its member Associations. He is an experienced governance expert holding various board/trust positions including; Uganda Biodiversity Fund (Trustee); The Ankole Western University-Uganda and International Aids Alliance, Uganda (former board member); Reproductive Health Uganda and Uganda Red Cross, (Life Member).

Mr. Mugumya brings on board extensive multi-cultural leadership experience across the continent including roles at; IPPF/MSH Partnership (Director) Leadership and Management, Governance (LMG) Project; The International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Region (IPPFAR); IPPFAR Eastern and Southern Africa Sub-region (Team Leader); Nairobi, Kenya and Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) formerly Family Planning Association of Uganda (FPAU) National Programme Manager and Regional Manager (Executive Director); IPPF Resident Administrator Liberia & Namibia.
Mr. Mugumya is highly skilled in advocating for SRHR issues, dealing with donors and managing multi-donor funded organizations with strong communication skills, combined with a keen eye for detail and a strategic mind-set. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Family Planning Programme Management; BSc Arts with honours in Social Work and Administration; and a Diploma in Leadership Development.


Board Member

Mrs. Winfred Osimbo Lichuma is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya with 28+ years of senior level leadership in law, human rights and gender equality. She holds an LLB from University of Nairobi, LLM in International Human Rights Law from the University of Essex in United Kingdom and a Master’s Degree in Gender and Development from the University of Nairobi.

She is the founder of WTT Lichuma & Co Advocates LLP, a law firm mainly focusing on family law, governance, women’s rights and promoting access to justice in Kenya for the vulnerable. Winfred was admitted to the bar as an advocate of the High court of in Kenya in 1992. She started her career as a Resident Magistrate in the Kenya Judiciary for a period of 10years. She was the first Legal Manager of the National AIDS Control Council where she extensively contributed to identifying legal/ethical and gender issues around HIV programming. Winfred served as the first Chairperson of the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC), a constitutional commission with the mandate to promote gender equality and freedom from discrimination in Kenya. She made remarkable contributions in promotion of gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the county.

Further, she also served as a Commissioner at the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. She is an international human rights lawyer, a legal and gender specialist and a governance expert. She serves as a Board member of Equality Now (Africa), Women Environment Programme (Nigeria), Kenya Legal and Ethical Network (KELIN) in Kenya and Health Rights Advocacy Forum (Heraf) in Kenya. She is an Advisory Board member of the Kenya Small Business Development Centre (KSBDC) at the University of Strathmore Business School. This empowers youth to participate in the economy to create jobs.

At the global level, she was appointed by the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon in (2016-2018) as an expert from Africa on an 11-member Independent Accountability Panel (IAP) for Every Woman, Every Child and Every Adolescents to monitor accountability for the delivery of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s (2016-2030). The task entailed preparing annual State Reports to provide evidence of progress being made towards realization of the strategy while aligning it to the Sustainable Development Goals.